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  1. 数学建模
  2. 算法图解
  3. 算法导论
  4. leetcode101系列





最后一个 Leetcode在github上有大佬写的书。以下是链接

GitHub - azl397985856/leetcode: LeetCode Solutions: A Record of My Problem Solving Journey.( leetcode题解,记录自己的leetcode解题之路。)



Talk about methods that only use first-order information (i.e., the gradient).

Considering the unconstrained, smooth convex optimization

We assume a few thing about the function f :

Under this assumption, we denote the optimal criterion value by

with the solution at x^\\star .

The Gradient Descent algorithm is then de ned as follows:

Above, after choosing some initial point x^{(0)} , we move it in the direction of the negative gradient (this points us in a direction where the function is decreasing) by some positive amount t_1 , calling this x_1 . And the same process is repeated.

Gradient Descent on convex and non-convex functions

The second-order Taylor expansion of f gives us

Consider the Quadratic approximation of f , replacing \
abla f(x) by \\frac{1}{t}I (replacing the curvature given by the Hessian with a much simpler notion of curvature - something spherical), we have

Minimizing this w.r.t. y , we get

This gives us the gradient descent update rule. In other words, gradients descent actually chooses the next point to minimize this overall y .

Minimizing the Quadratic Approximation. Starting at the blue point, minimizing the quadratic approximation takes us to the red point, so we move to the point on the curve directly below the red point.

Fixed step size

The simplest strategy is to take the step sizes to be fixed. So we choose t_k=t ; for all k=1, 2, 3, ...

There are some problems with doing this:

Functions tend to converge nicely only when t is "just right", as we can see below.

Gradient Descent with di erent step sizes

Backtracking Line Search

Using adaptive step sizes - not just something fixed, but instead trying to guess the right step size at every iteration via some heuristic.

The most popular such heuristic is called Backtracking Line Search. This works as follows:

The update criterion above denotes that, if the progress we make by going from x to x - t\
abla f(x) is bigger than the progress we had f(x) - \\alpha t \\left \\| \
abla f(x) \\right \\|^2_2 , then we make t smaller ( \\beta t) .

So by shrinking t , we move from right to left on the graph, as long as the line is beneath the function, and then stop when it exceeds it.

Exact Line Search

We could also choose a step to do the best we can along the direction of the negative gradient, called Exact Line Search:

x is fi xed above (its the point we're currently at during gradient descent), and we find the value of s that allows us to do the absolute best we can along that line segment.

Trying to make this as small as possible over all s is a 1-dimensional optimization problem. In principle, we might think its a good idea to optimize this.

But this is usually not possible to do directly; and approximations to the same are not as efficient as general backtracking. So is not worth the effort (except for fairly simple problems maybe).

g is a subgradient of a convex function f at x if

经过点 (x,f(x)) 的linear approximation g^T(y-x) + f(x) always underestimates f .

Some properties of subgradients:

? Always exists in the relative interior of the dom( f ).

? If f is indeed differentiable at x , then g=?f(x) uniquely.

? This definition is universal - can hold for non-convex functions too. However, it could be possible that g doesn’t exist.

The subdifferential of a convex function f at x ∈ dom(f) is the collection of all subgradients of f at x

Some properties of the subdifferential:

? For convex f , ?f(x) \
e ? . However, for concave f , ?f(x)=? .

? ?f(x) is closed and convex for any f .

? Since the subgradient is unique at points of differentiability, ?f(x)=\\left \\{?f(x)\\right \\} when f is differentiable at x .

? ?f(x) is singleton, then f is differentiable at x and  ?f(x) is that only element of ?f(x) .

Some basic rules for convex functions and their subgradients / subdifferentials:

To each norm \\left\\| \\cdot\\right\\| , there is a dual norm \\left\\| \\cdot\\right\\|_* such that:

Now consider f convex, having dom(f)=\\mathbb{R}^ n , but not necessarily differentiable.

Like gradient descent, but replacing gradients with subgradients.:

  1. Initialize x^{ (0)} .
  2. repeat:

where g^{ (k?1)}∈ ?f(x ^{(k?1)}) , any subgradient of f at x ^{(k?1)} .

Subgradient method is not necessarily a descent method, thus we keep track of best iterate x ^{(k)}_{best } among  x^{ (0)}, . . . , x^{(k)} so far, i.e.,

Step size choices

Key difference to gradient descent: step sizes are pre-specified, not adaptively computed.

Subgradient method has convergence rate O(1/\\varepsilon^2 ) , slower than O(1/\\varepsilon) rate of gradient descent.

Solving the following convex minimization problem

Using projected subgradient descent.

It has the same update as the subgradient method, except we project onto C instead of calculating the subgradient at each step

If this projection can be done, the projected subgradient method achieves the same convergence guarantees as subgradient descent.

However, some projections are easy (e,g, for projecting x onto the L_2 norm, just divide x by its L_2 norm). Some other easy projections are:

Minimizing composite functions of the form

where g is convex and differentiable, and h is simple and convex but nonsmooth. This relaxes the class of functions we can minimize compared to gradient descent, but for many problems we can still achieve the O( 1/\\varepsilon ) rate of convergence from gradient descent.

Since h is not differentiable, we cannot directly take the gradient descent update. Instead, we can try another method motivated by the same principles as gradient descent. Recall that the gradient descent method is motivated by minimizing a quadratic approximation to f around x , replaying the Hessian with \\frac{1}{t}I .

Instead of trying to minimize the quadratic around all of f , which we can't do because h is not differentiable, we can minimize just the quadratic approximation to g and leave h alone. Make the update:

The fi rst term \\left\\|z -(x-\
abla g(x))\\right\\|_2^2 forces us to stay close to the gradient update for g and the second terms forces us to make h(z) small. This is the principle behind proximal mapping.

Proximal mapping is given by

prox_{h,t}(x)=\\arg  min_{z}\\frac{1}{2t}\\left \\| x-z\\right \\|_2^2 + h(z)

proximal gradient descent:

1.choose an initial x^{(0)}

2. iteratively update (Proximal gradient (PG)

rewrite in the same form as a gradient step by defi ning

rewriting the update as:

The advantage of the proximal mapping is that prox_{h,t}(x) has a closed-form solution for many important functions h , which may not be differentiable but are simple. Making the proximal mapping only depends on g , and because g is smooth we can compute its gradients even though it may be very complicated. The computational cost of making the mapping, however, depends on the function and can be either expensive or cheap.


lasso criterion

the proximal mapping for h( \\beta)=\\lambda \\left\\| \\beta \\right\\|_1 is

where S_{\\lambda t}(\\beta ) is the soft thresholding operator:

The proximal update is

Using the fact that \
abla g( \\beta)=-X^T (y - X\\beta ) and the de nition of S_{\\lambda t} .

Semonstrating the faster convergence speed of the proximal gradient method over the subgradient method in the following graph:

Backtracking works the same as it does for gradient descent, but because we require the derivative we use backtracking only on g , not f . Choose a parameter 0 <  \\beta < 1 . At each iteration start at t=t_{init} and while

shrink the step size t=\\beta t . Otherwise perform the proximal gradient update.

Stochastic gradient descent

Consider the following problem of minimizing an average of functions:

The gradient of the above objective function will be

If we apply gradient descent algorithm, we would be repeating the following steps:

However, gradient descent will be very costly if we have m in the order of, say, 1 millions.

Stochastic gradient descent or SGD (or incremental gradient descent):

where i_k \\in \\left\\{ 1,...,m\\right\\} is some chosen index at iteration k .

Choosing Index i_k

there are two ways:

Step Sizes

It is standard to use diminishing step sizes in SGD (e.g.,  t_k=1/k ).

During the k -th update, we choose a random subset I_k \\subset \\left\\{ 1,...,m\\right \\} , where |I_k|=b << m , and use the following update rule:

It turns out that solve a L_2 regularized logistic regression:

is similar to running gradient descent on the unregularized problem:

and stop early.

By "early", it means to stop really early instead of stopping when we are bouncing around

the minima.

With early stopping, it is both more convenient and much more effcient than using explicit regularization.

Because in this way, it does not require running with different parameter t , just running gradient descent.

And it turns out when we plot gradient descent iterates, it resembles the solution path of the L_2 regularized problem for varying t !

solution path and grad descent path

Generalizing the Euclidean proximal map to the Bregman proximal map.

Consider the problem:

where  f : \\mathbb{R}^ n →\\mathbb{R}∪{∞} is differentiable and convex, and ψ : \\mathbb{R}^ n → \\mathbb{R}∪{∞} is closed and convex with dom(ψ) ? dom(f) . Note that ψ tends to be a regularization term.

Bregman proximal map

The idea here is to replace \\frac{1}{2t}\\left \\| x-z\\right \\|_2^2 with \\frac{1}{t}D_h(z, x) . The Euclidean proximal map previously corresponds to the squared Euclidean norm reference function

Suppose h : \\mathbb{R}^ n → \\mathbb{R}∪{∞} is a reference function. The Bregman proximal gradient (BPG) method does:

Convergence. Bregman proximal gradient has O(1/k) convergence when f is smooth relative to h , i.e., when

for all x, y ∈ dom(f) .

By generalizing the reference function beyond the Euclidean squared norm, bregman proximal methods attain additional freedom which may aid the computation of the proximal mapping.

For example,

the map

is much simpler for

than for

We will generalize the L-smoothness assumption for convergence to relative L-smoothness.

Modern stochastic methods

Stochastic average gradient

For the update step, at each iteration, it only requires an O(1) addition for the aggregate gradient from the previous step to be modified to become the aggregate gradient for the current step:

The above update can be seen as a moving average over a sliding window which is a constant time calculation.


Notice that the only difference between SAG and SAGA is the heavier weight on the updated gradient at step k . We have:

instead of

SAGA matches convergence rates of SAG.

The advantage of the above update rule is that, we do not need to tune our learning rate anymore as α is now a fixed hyperparameter.

It is noted that in sparse problems, AdaGrad performs much better than standard SGD. Several extensions of AdaGrad exists, viz., Adam, RMSProp etc.





多目标鳟海鞘算法(Multi-objective Salp Swarm Algorithm,MSSA)由Seyedali Mirjalili等人于2017年提出。

参考文献:S. Mirjalili, A.H. Gandomi, S.Z. Mirjalili, S. Saremi, H. Faris, S.M. Mirjalili,Salp Swarm Algorithm: A bio-inspired optimizer for engineering design problems ,Advances in Engineering Software. DOI: dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ad

close all;
clear ; 
global P_load; %电负荷
global WT;%风电
global PV;%光伏
% Parameters
params.Np=200;        %  种群大小(可以修改)
params.Nr=params.Np ; % (外部存档的大小)
params.maxgen=200;    % 最大迭代次数(可以修改)
% Xbest是算法所求得到的POX
% Fbest是算法所求得到的POF

%% 画结果图




基于瞪羚优化算法(Gazelle Optimization Algorithm,GOA)求解微电网优化MATLAB - 知乎 (zhihu.com)

单目标应用:基于沙丁鱼优化算法(SOA)的微电网优化调度MATLAB - 知乎 (zhihu.com)

单目标应用:基于螳螂搜索算法(Mantis Search Algorithm,MSA)的微电网优化调度MATLAB - 知乎 (zhihu.com)

单目标应用:基于狐猴优化算法(Lemurs Optimizer,LO)的微电网优化调度MATLAB - 知乎 (zhihu.com)

多目标应用:基于多目标向日葵优化算法(MOSFO)的微电网多目标优化调度MATLAB - 知乎 (zhihu.com)

单目标应用:霸王龙优化算法(Tyrannosaurus optimization,TROA)求解微电网优化MATLAB - 知乎 (zhihu.com)

单目标应用:基于蜘蛛蜂优化算法(Spider wasp optimizer,SWO)的微电网优化调度MATLAB - 知乎 (zhihu.com)

单目标应用:基于淘金优化算法(Gold rush optimizer,GRO)的微电网优化调度MATLAB - 知乎 (zhihu.com)

单目标应用:基于成长优化算法(Growth Optimizer,GO)的微电网优化调度MATLAB - 知乎 (zhihu.com)

基于麻雀搜索算法SSA的微电网优化调度MATLAB - 知乎 (zhihu.com)

多目标应用:基于多目标哈里斯鹰优化算法(MOHHO)的微电网多目标优化调度研究MATLAB - 知乎 (zhihu.com)

多目标应用:基于多目标人工蜂鸟算法(MOAHA)的微电网多目标优化调度研究MATLAB - 知乎 (zhihu.com)

猎豹优化算法(The Cheetah Optimizer,CO)求解微电网优化MATLAB - 知乎 (zhihu.com)

遗传算法(Genetic Algorithm,GA)求解微电网优化MATLAB - 知乎 (zhihu.com)

蚁群算法(Ant Colony Optimization,ACO)求解微电网优化MATLAB - 知乎 (zhihu.com)

墨西哥蝾螈优化算法(Mexican Axolotl Optimization,MAO)求解微电网优化MATLAB - 知乎 (zhihu.com)



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